About Leiden4045

Stories about the population of Leiden in wartime

This website is dedicated to the history of Leiden during the war years. Through different angles, you can search for a large number of short and long stories about Leiden and its inhabitants during this dramatic and energetic period.

This website contains years of research. But we we are still looking for new stories about people’s experiences. Because there are not many people who have experienced the war as an adult, we remind us of the stories, documents and pictures delivered. There is still a lot of such material at people’s home. Maybe even in your attic.

We would love to see all our collected stories translated, but currently we don’t have the resources to realize this. Therefore this website is only available in Dutch.

Are you busy with your own research and you need a hand? Let us know, maybe we can help you.
On this moment we are busy with research for several people.